Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My son

I’ll start from the beginning, and try to help you understand
How God has a reason for everything, and for everyone he has a plan.

On the 29th day of December, of my sophomore year, the year 2001
Life for me as I had known it changed, For God had blessed me with a son

Malachi Jamal Moore, a name truly fit for a king
I never could’ve guessed or imagined all the lessons and joy this little boy could bring

You see Malachi was little, just barely two pounds
But he was strong, and he was a fighter, nothing could hold him down
He had many complications, some big, and some small
But he always kept a smile that helped his mommy bare it all

He never got a chance to crawl, walk, or those little things that babies do
And he and I both went through some things that some of you may never go through
He never got a chance to come home, but he always knew that his mommy would always be there
To be his comfort and strength, and to show him that she cared

He only lived 19 months, on August the 4th he was called home
To sit in the arms of God, or maybe in his own baby throne
What you don’t understand is the message I’m trying to teach
About how my little baby had a message he was sent to preach

You see the name Malachi means God’s messenger, and he bought a message full of power
It simply says, “God is coming for his people, but no one knows the day or hour”

Malachi was sent here to teach a few things like how to truly love
And how to focus not on things of this world, but on Almighty God above
His time was short, his purpose was met, and all the pain is gone
I understand now, and now I am strong, and now I must press on

1 comment:

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

u write well. first time reader. happy nappy holidays. Nice spot u have here, hope u don’t mind the drive by, do chk me out one day and maybe even get some of my books (can see them on my blog)

rawdawgbuffalo and if u like what u read, maybe u will come back, even Blog Roll Me