Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Thank you Creator for growth
My feminine energy is no longer suppressed
Now free to do what I was called to do
No longer will I digress

From relaxed and straightened with a little slicked down to the side
To a low cut well shaped up beauty who rocks her natural with pride
From a size three olive oil type chick with big feet
To a size 12 fluffy the body type chick with a little extra mama meat

Thank you Creator for growth
My feminine energy is no longer suppressed
Now free to do what I was called to do
No longer will I digress

From fresh beaters
To v neck dresses
From quick washes with Dove
To elaborate showers with citrus ginger fragrances
From corporate cubes and navy blue slacks
To sexy black ensembles with accessories to match

Thank you Creator for growth
My feminine energy is no longer suppressed
Now free to do what I was called to do
No longer will I let myself digress

From being lost in the world and trying to find my way
To being spiritually grounded on the Creator and learning how to pray
From Geek squad and confusing computer terms
To natural hair guru with the gift of gab and the power to free my people from perms

Thank you Creator for growth
My feminine energy is no longer suppressed
Now free to do what I was called to do
No longer will I let myself digress

From single parent having to play both roles
To being called baby, boo, the mate of his soul
From a boring life full of all work and no play
To a life filled with creativity being expressed everyday

Yes………..Thank You Creator for growth
My feminine energy is no longer suppressed
Now free to do what I am called to do
No longer will I let myself digress……

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