Monday, September 8, 2008

Doing Hair in Atlanta

For those of you who don't know, I just recently moved to Atlanta, Ga for no reason in particular. I am currently working at a salon called Deeply Rooted which is a really awesome place to work. I meet a lot of interesting people who have interesting ways of talking. I had two clients last week who were teaching me some slang, and I honestly felt like I was really old. These guys where only about six or seven years younger than me.

So here is the slang that I learned so far.....

" A Big dog yo dreds is Fi(Fire without the re)
Translation: "Your locs look Hot" of "your locs look nice"
"He's lurkin"
Translation: He's checking himself out in the mirror"

Okay that was funny.

I also tell people that I just moved down from Maryland near Baltimore, and the first thing that they ask me about is the wire.

Okay until later.

The first Post

Okay so I know that I have picked a very corny first post title, but it's better than nothing at all. Anyway, I am new to this whole blogging thing, but I as a Gemini I always have so many thoughts running through my head, i figured that blogging would be the best method for releasing these thoughts that I have.

Let me first give you a break down of who I think I am from a Gemini perspective. I am a very flighty free spirit who loves talking and getting to know people. I like to take a walk in others shoes in order to get a good idea of who they are and how he/she views life. I will try anything once and I like to start projects that may or may not get finished( hopefully not this blog :)

Okay now I can begin. I know officially have many titles. I am a mother, step-mother, wife, natural hair stylist, P.S.G ( Poet Still Growing), eldest child, eldest grandchild on my mom's side, and many others that I don't feel like mentioning. I think that today I will talk about my newest title.....wife.

As a young girl I never dreamed of getting married in a fancy church, in a big expensive white dress, with all of my family and friends in attendance. As a young woman I could never imagine being committed to someone for the REST OF MY LIFE. Now that I have taken that step, I can honestly say that I enjoy marriage. What's even more exciting is the fact that he is also a Gemini, which means that he always understands what I am thinking and why I am thinking it. I enjoy being a wife, whatever that means, but I'm still trying to figure out if I am supposed to feel different. At times I wonder if the husband feels any different than he did before when we were Anyway....that's all for now. Gotta put the kids to bed.....